Friday, February 22, 2013

Parade of Presidents.

We are blessed to have several home school families at our church. We decided to have a parade of presidents yesterday. Each child drew a name of a president and wrote a report on them. The kids then dressed up and presented their report to the whole group. We then had a "tea party" after to let the kids play. Clayton was Thomas Jefferson and Maxx was William McKinley. Papa Carnie came and stayed with us for a few days. We had a great time on our visit and went to the zoo on Monday for a few hours. My sister and her husband welcomed a beautiful baby girl this week. The Boys and I will be headed out to see them the second week in March. Clayton is doing great in taekwondo, he is now a blue belt.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Adoption Giveaway.

Luke's big sister and her family are starting on the journey of adoption. They are trying to raise funds for their dossier, they have a wonderful prize of Disney Land tickets that are good until 2014. Every $5.00 entry buys one entry, please stop by her blog and offer $5.00 in support and a prayer. Thanks, Mary Her website is click on the "blog" tab to see her post.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pictures for Grandma

We had a great December. The pictures are from the boys Christmas play and Maxx playing the piano at church. We also had some snow fun and had some much needed time off from work and school as a family. Hope you enjoy Mom!


One of the best things about my husband is that he can do anything. If I say honey my computer is running slow... he fixes it, honey my car is broken, he fixes it... honey my washer is broke...he fixes it! It is such a blessing to married to a man that is willing to do things for me. A few weeks ago I noticed that the boys school desks were falling apart. I had seen so many cool ideas for pallet furniture on pintrest and thought for sure Luke could build me something. The boys have kind of a rustic room, so I wanted desks to match. They turned out even better than I imagined. Luke built them completely out of palates and used chalkboard for the top. They even open and have a compartment inside. He used 3.5 pallets per desk and was able to build them both for $12.00! The chalkboard top was $10 for a piece that was big enough for both and the hinges were $2.00.
Thanks for all of your hard work!